Happy birthday Kronos!

Birthdays are an elegant unit of time, which does not involve much ambiguity. This post is just to wish KronoS a very happy birthday today.

His existence has been noted as one of consequence, ability, and talent.
I congratulate him on having completed his 19 years of life. 19 is my favorite prime number too.
* double clink *

Have a nice day bro.

And JFTR, according to our trusted source, "Uncyclopedia" :

On this day...

March 23: International Take Your Fish To Work Day
  • 139 - Roman historian Erraticus publishes the fourth version of Life of Trajan, this one portaying Trajan as an emperor and retracting the previous version's claims that Trajan was a talking donkey.
  • 1097 - St. Peter's Basilica was first used outside of the Vatican city during the first Crusades.
  • 1952 - Enid Blyton publishes her most famous work, The Three Colliwogs.
  • 1962 - Dozens of women march on Washington D.C. to politely request feminine rights. Their husbands go without supper.
  • 1974 - The last dirty liberal is sent to serve in the Vietnam War, rendering America a perfect utopia of conservatives for nearly eighteen months.
  • 2011 - Chuck Norris succeeds in destroying the last internet meme when he roundhouse kicks the final remaining Rick Astley music video into oblivion.


KronoS said...

Thank you so much!!!!

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