I am waiting for the day when,if you tell someone 'I am from the internet', instead of laughing they just ask 'oh, which part?'>
July 11, 2009

00:00hrs, I call it a day, off to sleep now...
02:30hrs, its been over 2 hours since i slipped into the bed, but for some damned reason, I CANT SLEEP!! This is not good, i wonder what causes this, and what really perplexes me is how the hell did i manage to just stay awake in bed that long! Maybe its due the fact that my sleeping habbits match very closely with that of the moon's, the day before yesterday i almost saw the sunrise, but alas, it was not to be....btw Sankalp told me he spent another sleepless night...i wonder...is this a communicable disease??
Well, i doubt that, if it were so, my family would have thrown me out of the house quite a while back, anyways i forgot to tell you the reason for me sleeping early! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, frist day first show! Sounds good doesnt it? Well thats precisely the reason for my current state of sleeplessness....
Anurag got a new laptop btw, 2.66Ghz 3 mb L2 cache....smokin hot, n he got a very neat deal for it too....
Gotta sleep now, i dont want to miss the part when **missing text** dies....Anurag spoiled it for me btw, told me while i was having a lil chat with him over his 'emergency dial-up internet connection'
09:36hrs, the show starts at 10:10, so i wait here in front of the ticket counter, which btw is closed (as in not opened yet), and i got a very interesting view, there is an NIIT centre in front of me, thats on the other side of the road, and sharing the wall with it is an office of an entertainment firm, so as i sit and wait for my friends there the students/employees start to arrive...so, as i was absolutely jobless, i started trying to guess which person was aimed for which place. The rest that followed was as shocking as to find that ur grandma can tap dance on a bulgarian song, the students...no, the girls started to arrive...i was ready to bet my left shoe that the latest one ,pencil heels + sunglasses bigger than her assets, would enter the ent. centre, but no, she was heading for the NIIT centre, i tried to console myself saying that shes probably a teacher there, but hey! do teachers wait outside and hang out with the other waiting students?? I guess not....
But that was soon forgotten, The movie started.....It was pure awesomeness!! The sound effects of the theater were good enough to make the hair on ur skin stand up....the movie was logical (for a change), and the effects were more convincing than the Joker's OCDs* in the drak knight! (well, to a certain extent) .
Its a must watch for anybody even remotely interested in the concept of Alien Robot races coming to finish off their internal struggles for power on earth. But what i would like to suggest is that you either watch this movie on a theater or in a home theater, u need 'GODLIKE'** woofers to get the desired effects, but trust me , its worth the trouble....
In the end, it was a day well spent, not that i end my day at noon, but the rest will stretch this post way too long....
* Obsessive complusive disorder, for more details refer google.com
** DOTA*** slang , google it.
*** A map in Warcraft
July 10, 2009

Tweaking the blog
The time is 02:17 am IST, and I am surfing the web here to pin down the best template for this blog.
Tried a few, the errors they threw back at me were most baffling, but I did not lose hope, opened the HTML edit, pressed Ctrl+F and searched the name of the error, the results I got kinda questioned my whole purpose in doing all this, I had NO FRIGGIN idea what was happening here, In school (as in grade VI n all) i was the best at HTML, and evidently i have lost touch, so , back to the basics, anyways i m still looking for some cool sidebar widgets, if this thing gets anywhere near the widgets i have on my Laptop, it is gonna be Uber COOL!
Anyways, One thing worth mentioning in all this is the way time flew, I mean quite literally! Imagine yourself sitting at a table , doing some work, u look at the clock on the wall, its 11:00 , the next moment its 00:00!! This is what i call concentration :D . Glad I have it.
July 9, 2009

The day it began
From this point onwards, July 8th will have a new meaning in my life. This is the day i started my first blog, well officially it was the first.
The seeds were sown by Anurag, more commonly now to you guys as AndyMation™ , so if anything gets out of hand here, we have a person to point at. Jokes apart, he really did give me the initial push. So, anything else happened today, well...its A Wednesday, (saw that movie? really neat piece of thinking) its the time of the year when the budget is out, this time the government, Congress a.k.a UPA(United Progressive Alliance) , has allegedly increased the petrol prices by Rs4/- , if you ask me, it is happening for the greater good and we should not be angry with these guys, they are just trying to keep their ...um....companies afloat in these troubled times.
So, the newspapers are evidently full of stuff on budget, the whole front page is on Budget! To make things clear, those guys added a small column called "News" at the RHS bottom corner.
What else? I am right now in Delhi, where, i hate this part, the heat is getting unbearable, I hope it rains soon.
Newsflash: I just uploaded my first YouTube video! Man! I can feel my dV5 buzzing with excitment already. Well, for those of you who are interested,its about 3 friends getting bored on the last day of their semester and those three friends want to curse their teachers in public. Must watch for KC haters! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1Iub8mM4n0
I just hope this blog does not die.
July 8, 2009

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