Lord (debatable) KronoS has been generous enough to have invited me as the auxiliary writer of the hallowed blog. And I am, beyond words, glad to be honoured such. His moving the mountains of intellectual incompatibility with the world in general, for his being beyond others', is a matter of pride, on my part, and generosity, on his.
Ave KronoS!

Chaotic Order
"Uncanny it is,
order's loss,
what we couldn't explain
We deemed chaos "
The mention of "order", infallibly conjures its complementor "chaos" in my mind. Like the infrangibly conjoined existance of yin and yang.
Chaos is an order which causes confusion in our minds.
How can we call an event chaotic in a literal sense?
Can we testify accordingly?
Even if we do, it would be inevitable to use our lack of comprehension as a facade to launch our apparently "sane" arguments. The existance of chaos is in
itself an incontrovertible evidence regarding our bounded periphery of sentient interpretations.
Let us review the word order (In context here, for if we go into the interpretation of each of its meanings, the entry would become obscenely lengthy).
It is the logical or comprehendible arrangement of separate elements.
Or so we feel.
But what if there is a higher order underlying, which we fail to "notice"?
For instance, the much praised Fibonacci sequence, if shown to a naive viewer may appear as chaotic as a random congregation of arithmetic numbers.
Similar is the case with chaos. It IS order. And of late, there has been enough proof to sanctify, and fortify, my statement.
Images created with the equations governing chaotic events lead to fractals. The HIGHEST form of artistic symmetry, which is not lost even as we tend to
diversify our range of scrutiny by mangnifying. The pattern is far from lost, it is redundant!
But alas, one cannot disregard anothers adherance to the scientifically inaccurate and logically suggestive path of calling a higher manifestation of order
chaos just because it circumvents their comprehension.>