Some of the quotes that I highly relate to VIT, mostly innocuous, unintentionally hilarious and meant with all sincerity by the speaker. About 60% of these are accurate, verbatim. The rest are an offspring of a conniving and conspiring mind. Not to mention the statistics too are of kin. These are not to offend anyone. (Ofcourse...)
Any resemblance to reality has been cleverly concealed. A sharp mind may although pierce that diaphanous barrier. And they can have that extra laugh.
"Yes please..." - SMBS students on Elective offered in Hexagon
"In a Galaxy far far away" - George Lucas on SJT
"She sells sea shells on the sea shore" - NVP teacher on Failed New Ventures
"You shall not pass!" Gandalf on Turbomachines
"SMBS rocks" - Short of attendance student on NOT being debarred
"What Ma?" - C Teacher on Anything
"Ma pe mat ja!" - Random student on C Teacher
"2B or not 2B" - Shakespeare on Engineering Drawing
"Camouflaged, I am" - Yoda on his new workshop uniform
"You can leave the class if you are not interested. I will mark you present" - Every teacher on Discipline
"It's a trap!" - Admiral Akbar on Every teacher
"Okayva" - Turbo sir to a clueless dumbfounded class
"Only one parent inside. Balance out." - Guard on Parents entering counselling hall
"Yeah yeah. I've heard of it." - Dr. Manhattan on Everything
"Here there and everywhere" - Dr. Manhattan on his whereabouts
"What losers man" - This band on That band
"We gonna nail them" - That band on Every band
"Think big, grow rich" - NVP Sir on Life
"No" - DSW on Creativity
"Quick handwriting" - Maths teacher (lady) on Her deepest desires
"Shower with your friends" - English teacher (lady) on Sharing
"Whats that noise?" - Taylor Swift fan on Headbanger's Ball
"You will die!" - King of VIT on his Modus operandi
"Yux, Why, EE-Zed" - Random teacher on Phonetics
"I don't really know. Refer to the website" - Every help desk volunteer on Any query
"Abey! Phodu!" - SMBS on ANY Mech guy talking to a girl
"I did not expect you from this" - Drunk dude on Disappointment
Thats all for now. I might update it with another instalment in the near future. How near will be a function of the response I receive to this one.