The day it began

From this point onwards, July 8th will have a new meaning in my life. This is the day i started my first blog, well officially it was the first.

The seeds were sown by Anurag, more commonly now to you guys as AndyMation , so if anything gets out of hand here, we have a person to point at. Jokes apart, he really did give me the initial push. So, anything else happened today, well...its A Wednesday, (saw that movie? really neat piece of thinking) its the time of the year when the budget is out, this time the government, Congress a.k.a UPA(United Progressive Alliance) , has allegedly increased the petrol prices by Rs4/- , if you ask me, it is happening for the greater good and we should not be angry with these guys, they are just trying to keep their afloat in these troubled times.
So, the newspapers are evidently full of stuff on budget, the whole front page is on Budget! To make things clear, those guys added a small column called "News" at the RHS bottom corner.

What else? I am right now in Delhi, where, i hate this part, the heat is getting unbearable, I hope it rains soon.

Newsflash: I just uploaded my first YouTube video! Man! I can feel my dV5 buzzing with excitment already. Well, for those of you who are interested,its about 3 friends getting bored on the last day of their semester and those three friends want to curse their teachers in public. Must watch for KC haters!

I just hope this blog does not die.




F.L.E.A.™ said...

Honour and blame. What else could I ask for? :P
Congrats, bro. Keep writing.
I up the environmental concern too.
Video wuz good.
And the blog's life is only decided by you, so (in plain english) keep writing.

F.L.E.A.™ said...

1st comment xD

rAjAt.... said...

nice going dude!!!!lets hope this blog turns useful n entertainin!!!!

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