The time is 02:17 am IST, and I am surfing the web here to pin down the best template for this blog.
Tried a few, the errors they threw back at me were most baffling, but I did not lose hope, opened the HTML edit, pressed Ctrl+F and searched the name of the error, the results I got kinda questioned my whole purpose in doing all this, I had NO FRIGGIN idea what was happening here, In school (as in grade VI n all) i was the best at HTML, and evidently i have lost touch, so , back to the basics, anyways i m still looking for some cool sidebar widgets, if this thing gets anywhere near the widgets i have on my Laptop, it is gonna be Uber COOL!
Anyways, One thing worth mentioning in all this is the way time flew, I mean quite literally! Imagine yourself sitting at a table , doing some work, u look at the clock on the wall, its 11:00 , the next moment its 00:00!! This is what i call concentration :D . Glad I have it.
Join the club mate. Been thru the same edit-trains back in the day... which is actually like a coupla months back :P
All i need now is a better screen name.
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