The Caffeine Hypothesis

Self note : Coffee prepared in a ceramic "coffee mug" tastes, not to mentions smells, a million times (eschewing exaggeration) better than one made in a "thermally insulating metallic mug". On a scale of 10, with one being an imbecile impossibility and 10 being metaphysical certitude, I personally rate this hypothesis a 9.5, keeping the maximum in a fit of hope and optimism (maybe cynism too), for an incident which far exceeds this one. Not that I think it will, but the prospect of it happening is a thought of stupendous merriment.

Caffeine and Metal, is a juvenile juxtaposition. Or so I allude, after having witnessed it first hand, and second mug. And my allusion is set apart from illusion by the very fact grounded on the terra firma of my love for coffee, which bestows me with the ability to criticise. You cannot criticise what you don't know the bright side of. Then it is just an ad hominem dissection. This nested theory has just 2 exceptions. War, and Chetan Bhagat.

Re entering the first hypothesis, this is the deal. I scythe (I don't use whips, noob) up a mug of coffee in the hostel room, with the precise balance of ingredients and lo, what I have is but a similar tasting brew as compared to what, say Lord KronoS made the other day (Other day is a metaphor for an hour ago). The metallic interference inducing an olfactory aberration (kepping in mind that smell is the major component of taste) is a reality December layed naked in front of me. It DID appear to be funny how no matter what I try, the overall response of my taste buds to any composition of coffee was more or less the same. But the same mixture, at a macroscopic level ofcourse, at home tastes better, and the only difference is that the mug used is a printed sunsign series of Ceramic coffee mugs, and not the allegedly thermally insulating (and now olfactorially isolating) mug with the innards as metallic as its effect is disheartening. Some galactic interference the Bell labs should try to explain, I'd say. I know not if it has any more physiological implications, apart from the psychological deprivation. And I hope not, either. The hints of rust at the bottom of the mug was never quite delightful everytime it disappeared under the deceitful boiling water, and now as I come to think of it, like a summer tempest the horror grips me. Heat accelerates chemical reactions. Water and metal haven't, by history's word, and scientific reassurance, been neutral allies, rather conflicting rivals. And all those coffee sessions, and the finished jars on the shelf, the session markers on the door, the hang, lead me to this day, when I decide the future of the godforsaken mug vermin.

The crack that propagated on its surface in unintended ubiquity will find a deeper root. I plan to hurl it across the balcony. And there is no looking back. I already got a De Motivate series mug by Archies which says about Winning, "If you don't succeed in the first time, its probably because you are a loser". I suggest Lord KronoS to procure a ceramic mug for future caffeine indulgances, for his own benefit, and tasteful bliss. For there are hardly any problems, a cup of strong coffee cannot solve...



KronoS said...

The ceramic cup is too fragile....What we need is an unbreakable ceramic cup!! I'll start today!

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